Catch us LIVE every Sunday | Modern 9am | Classic 11amClick here for more info...


First Church gathers for Worship on :


9:00 AM - Modern Worship In The Welcome Center  (In person & Online)

11:00 AM - Classic Worship In The Sanctuary              

    TUESDAY AT :    

6:00 PM Dinner Church In The Welcome Center

Visit our WORSHIP ONLINE page to join us LIVE online
every Sunday at 9:00 AM.


9:00 AM - Modern Worship In The Welcome Center & Online


Connect with us from wherever you find yourself on a Sunday morning or anytime during the week! Feel free to engage by singing out loud, joining us in prayer and Holy Communion, and commenting and sharing the stream

11:00 AM - Classic Worship In The Sanctuary

Dinner Church on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM in the Welcome Center

We believe there is power in doing life around the table the same way Jesus did. Time and time again, we find the person of Jesus gathering around a meal to share his life and hope for the world with anyone who would invite him in. At all of our Dinner Church Campuses, we gather around a meal, share a story of Jesus from the Gospels, share communion, ask questions, and listen for God's voice in our world.

We finish by 7:30 PM to give space for our Narcotics Anonymous meeting to take place in our Warehouse. 

All are welcome to join us for this time of worship. 

For all activities at our Melbourne campus, head to:

110 East New Haven Ave.
Melbourne, FL 32901
Park in our West Parking Lot and enter through the Main Entrance facing Platt St.


Plan Your

Next Visit

Contact Information

110 East New Haven Ave.
Melbourne, FL 32901

(321) 723-6761

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9am-12 noon.

Contact Us

Service Information

11:00 AM -  Classic Worship Live Stream on our WORSHIP ONLINE page.


09:00 AM - Modern Worship In The Welcome Center

11:00 AM - Classic Worship In The Sanctuary 


06:00 PM - Dinner Church In The Welcome Center

Childrens Ministry - Childcare is available and elementary students will be dismissed after the offering to age-stage activities.

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